About Us

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We were married in 2002, with the dream to build our own home from bottom up ourselves. No loans or mortgages. Now, 7 years later (2009), we are starting that dream.

Monday, May 28, 2012


Most people take vacation to relax and go somewhere far from home. What do we do on our vacation??? Go to graduations, end of school year programs, and...build a house. Lets just say that our bodies sure don't feel like they were on vacation. 

Take a look at our progress.

A capped off basement!

Can you see the kitchen...
currently the dog believes it is his new dog house.
Thus the pillow.

A mechanical room and a bedroom next to it.

A hallway with bathroom and another bedroom.


And, a Living Room. We already have furniture in it :)

This puts us AHEAD of where we thought we would be by this time! YES!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012



Our basement slab has been finished for over a week now, but time sure does fly when it's the end of the school year and the weather has been awesome! Thus, an overdue blog post.

So here it is...foundation!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Oh The Little Things in Life...

Oh the little things in life that make you happy.

Like...Window Wells

And...House Wrap

And of course...The View we will have from our new living room when it's all said and done.
(Minus the Wildlife Burnoff Smoke)

Monday, April 16, 2012



The lower level of the house is now fully sheathed. YES!!!! What seemed like a dream a month ago, is now a reality. We are one step closer to getting this basement closed in :)

What a view from above...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ladies & Gentlemen!

We now have one fully framed basement. Yes, after three years, there are four completely framed walls to our basement. This was the biggest thing we had to look forward to, and now...on to bigger and even better things :)
Check it out!

And look at this REALLY cute construction worker ;)

I'm afraid we may already have a ghost lurking outside our newly framed west facing living room window :/  (Actually, Tristan happened to run through the pic as I was taking it, lol)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Here We Go Again

Almost a completely framed Basement :)
Here we go again...back to what we started three years ago. We had to skip a year of building due to the shoulder replacement surgery I had to have last March. But, now we are back on track and ready to really hit some nails!
We've been blessed to have a friend eager to help us get things moving along, and boy, it seems like they are. Pictures really can't tell how much we have already accomplished in just the last few weeks. And there is still more to come. If we can just get mother nature to cooperate with us, and tone down the wind, all would be very good. Yesterday, the guys were lucky that they didn't get hit with a peice of flying plywood. So here's where we are at :)
Plumbing! (Not to grade yet)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Soon to Come

Soon to Come...
Another update and pictures. Wow! It's been TWO years since we've updated this site, crazy how time flies.